Your tax-deductible donation helps us cover expenses for the San Marcos Studio Tour and keep application fees low for participating artists.


$20 USD

Want to give more but need to spread it out? We got you! Your monthly tax-deductible donation allows us to grow sustainably by covering expenses like yard signs, catalogs, t-shirts, gallery paint, and websites like this! Whether you can afford $5 or $50 a month, every dollar you give helps us create more arts programming. With friends like you on our side, the San Marcos art scene is going to thrive! Select an amount to donate one time, or on a monthly or yearly basis!


$5 USD

You're an arts lover, you've got the means, and we are so excited about all that your donation will help bring to life. Our small team is volunteer ran and doing the work of many: Community outreach and coordination, marketing and fundraising, designing, curating, event set up and clean up. Your tax-deductible donation will help support the tour, provide artist stipends and defray event costs. As a friendly thank you, we'll be saving you a smile, warm hug, and a beverage of your choice at every Mothership Event. Enjoy floating in that pool of good karma you got there! ; )


$250 USD

MotherShip Studios is hosting the following events.

Sponsor the bands, merch, or interactive art installation for the kickoff party. Fund the Sunday Closing Party food at Eye of The Dog! We'll highlight your business on social media with a special shout out of your choosing!

Friday, April 5, 2024, 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM (UTC-06:00)

Created by: MotherShip Studios

Fiscal Host: The Museum of Human Achieve..

Sponsor the Kick Off Party!!

You're here to support the growing arts community in the greater San Marcos area, and we love you for it! Your tax-deductible donation will help us offer more of what makes our local art scene so inspiring and eclectic. Our organization is entirely volunteer run and every little bit makes it easier for us to continue to bring you the San Marcos Studio Tour.

Saturday, April 6, 2024, 12:00 PM - Sunday, April 7, 2024, 6:00 PM (UTC-06:00)

Created by: MotherShip Studios

Fiscal Host: The Museum of Human Achieve...

Support the following initiatives from MotherShip Studios.

To connect local businesses, vendors and distributors with our growing community of art makers, art lovers, and art buyers.